Company Profile

Veiltail Pvt. Ltd. assists businesses in expanding by attracting (placement and Staffing) outstanding people.

We at Veiltail Pvt. Ltd. believe in creative quality and take delight in completing projects on time.

Hiring the proper individuals isn’t something that happens by chance. It is accomplished by collaborating with someone who has market expertise and knowledge, recruitment experience, and a network of highly competent prospects for hire, allowing your firm to hire the best personnel and establish a world-class organisation.

We have been serving our clients and offering companies with complete recruitment solutions to efficiently screen and choose the most suitable applicants who can meet any organization’s most critical resource needs. We are based in Kolkata and plan to spread our operations to the majority of India’s cities.

We are forward-thinking

We are forward-thinking — we want to know what the future demands of the industry will be. Predict changes in business trends and so competently advise and assist our clients in recruiting the best employees.

We are creative and persistent

Accountability is the most crucial value we instil in our organisation, especially when it comes to producing the greatest results. We take our job of offering the greatest personnel to our clients very seriously, and we strive tirelessly to get the best results.


In all of our dealings, we are open and honest. We also understand that the world is always changing. As a result, we strive to instil the highest ethical standards both within our organisation and among our network of professional employees for hire.

Our Mission

It’s our people. Veiltail Pvt. Ltd. is made up of highly qualified recruiters who are enthusiastic about what they do. Internally, we encourage an inclusive and mentoring environment, which carries across to our clients. enabling them to receive the greatest support from our staff and, as a result, have a positive impact on their business’